Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct

Morula is a small personal school. There are very few school rules as such but manners and civilized behaviour are expected at all times.

The Code of Conduct applies in all circumstances, while students are on campus, in the school bus, on field trips or any other activity organised by the school on or off campus during or after school hours.

Morula is a zero tolerance school regarding violence, racism, intimidation, dishonesty and any other action that negatively affects the learning process and/or the physical and psychological well-being of students

Student rights and responsibilities address five basic requirements.

  • Be safe
  • Be respectful
  • Be responsible
  • Be kind
  • Be positive

Code of Conduct

Download here the High School Code of Contact

Discipline and Behaviour

Bad behaviour has never been a problem in the school and as the classes are small the teachers have maximum control without having to resort to strict discipline. However should the teacher feel the child requires discipline of some form, there exists a series of steps which are followed: The teacher deals with initial / minor problems often in conjunction with the parent. A more serious incident, (or repetition of a previous more minor incident) is referred to the Head of Department. Parents will always be invited in such cases, and if need be the incidents will be brough to the attention of the Head Teacher.

Cell phones are not permitted unless an arrangement has been made with the School Head in writing in the Primary school. A two week confiscation period will be imposed for those who break this regulation. Loss of items such as cell phones brought into school without permission will not be the responsibility of the school.

Should a pupil who loses or destroys / defaces text or library books will be required to replace at their own expense.

High school students will be given a High School Conduct and Disciplinary Policy as well as this document, and they will be asked to sign that they have read that document, as well as this one, as will their parents.

Sickness and Absentism

Parents should kindly inform their child’s classteacher in all cases of absence from school. Please do not send your child to school if he/she is unwell, particularly if they have any signs of flu or have lost any sense of taste or smell as this is now said to be the first and most indicative sign that the child may be infected with the Civid-19 virus.

On return to school a doctor’s certificate or a letter from the parent would be appreciated for the child’s file. If a child had an infectious disease parents must provide the classteacher with a doctor’s letter before returning to school.

If the child is to be absent for reasons besides illness, the Headteacher is to be informed.

Morula School Francistown
Morula School Francistown

School Trips and Excursions

Every class from Grade 4 upwards has a chance to go on excursions under normal (non Covid restriction) conditions. These trips vary from educational tours to Gaborone, Zimbabwe and

South Africa. Environmental and Cultural trips are seen as a highly important aspect of a child’s rounded education and parents are always expected to co-operate with the school when any trip is being organised for any of our children.